Monday, May 25, 2009

Strange ice cream contraption makes stop in Diablo Canyon

DESERT CANYON NEAR SANTA FE SOME HIKERS ARE ASKING THAT QUESTION THIS HOLIDAY WEEKEND GADI SCHWARTZ IS LIVE IN SANTA FE WHERE HE GOT TO THE BOTTOM OF A VERY STRANGE SIGHT GADI ITS ONE OF THE ODDEST CONTRAPTIONS- I VE EVER SEEN SITTING MILES FROM CIVILIZATION IN DIABLO CANYON --- INSIDE IT S BELLY WE LL SEE FOR YOURSELF IT S A SIGHT TO STOP- DIRT BIKES DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS WEDGED BETWEEN CLIFFS- OUR RIDER SPOTS SOMETHING RED WITH SOLAR PANELS- SAME WITH THESE DAY HIKERS-- 58 30 that the heck-- WHO POINT OUT WHAT EVER IT IS SEEMS TO BE SITTING ON BIKE TIRES- HAS SURVIELLENCE CAMERAS AND YUP - THAT S A COMPUTER---- BUT A CLOSER INSPECTION REVEALS SOMETHING EVEN MORE SUPRISING 49 06- oh my God thats so funny yeah rustling- here you go- what is it ice cream- a bunch of Ice cream - I guess just explain what it is well it is what it is its a solar powered ice cream freezer computer blog come on lets go ask lets go be curious WORD SEEMS TO TRAVEL FAST ALONG ROCK WALLS--- rumor in the canyon says that there s ice cream here --- eaaaahgh grunting opening ice cream thing She said she didn t expect an ice cream man here in the canyon ICE CREAM MAN - ARTIST- PHILOSOPHER OR HOST- DUANE MCDIARMID TELLS US HIS ICE CREAM MACHINE ALL ABOUT STARTING A CONVERSATION you go back to I think its actually homer says that the base of civilization is the welcoming of a stranger to your camp fire to hear level of hospitality this is sort of my technical ith myre any stranger who comes upon it is welcome to sit at my fire share with my food and tell me their tales MCDIARMID S HOPE THAT THOSE WHO HAPPEN UPON FREE ICE CREAM IN THE DESERT CAN START THINKING ABOUT WHERE TO GO FROM HERE technology is the magic of our generation- what are we going to wave our magic wand at you know and what are we going to turn it into MCDIARMID S MACHINE CONTAINS A COMPUTER WHICH HE CAN RECORD VIDEO ON AND UPDATE HIS BLOG FROM DUANE MCDIARMID WILL BE IN DIABLO CANYON THROUGH TOMORROW -- IF YOU RE IN THE MOOD FOR ICE CREAM AND CHATTING ABOUT SOLAR POWER IF YOU MISS HIM HERE IN SANTA FE YOU CAN CATCH UP TO HIM IN DEATH VALLEY CALIFORNIA -- ONE OF HIS NEXT STOPS NEW MEXICO-

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